Matthew Kennedy | composer
| textures and lines
Instrumentation: Flute, Clarinet, Violin, Cello, and Piano
Duration: 6'00"
Ensemble: Robin Meiksins, Flute
David Angelo, Clarinet
Charlene Kluegel, Violin
Emma Schmiedecke, Cello
Katherine Petersen, Piano
Year Composed: 2016
Program Note:
One’s personality – dreams, goals, and quality of life – is drastically changed when in poor health. From February to May of this year I was pneumonia. Hospitalized and heavily medicated, the sense of self that we artists strive to present was misshapen and distorted. Textures and Lines is an inner dialogue about the individual’s identity within the whole.
Textures and Lines was written for and premiered at the 2016 Fresh Inc. Festival, University of Wisconsin-Parkside.